Moreover, women in politics are stereotypically depicted in the Lebanese media as sexual beings, wives or mothers, instead of highlighting their political accomplishments that would probably make them recognized by the public. Thus, the media does not portray the varied roles women can play in society, as they can be mothers, wives. and politicians at the same time. However, the insignificant depiction of women politicians in the media opens the door for men to disregard them as unsubstantial and inappropriate for political roles. Even-though, there are a lot of famous and skillful Lebanese women journalists, they are not able to change this negative portrayal of women by the media, since newsrooms are mainly dominated by men. To enhance political image for women, sexism in media standards should be tackled (Ibroscheva 2012, 27).
This video covers the issue of many female political participants in the eye of the media and compares the stereotypes of women to the representation of Lebanese men.
The source: Perla Khaled